CGBH Stories

Breakfast in Bed


Breakfast in Bed

“Come on honey, eyes open, got a big day ahead of you,” Cindy sing-songed gently as she softly nuzzled into Grey’s cheek. His eyes started to flitter, mumbling incoherently as Cindy lapped across his muzzle, “I made you breakfast in be~ed!”

Grey jolted awake, “H’wuh?! Call th- call the police brigade there’s a fire fire prince at the Tower!”

“Settle down,” Cindy continued, laying Grey back against the bed, “that was just a dream,”

He settled down, “Oh… oh good. You were saying, sweetie?”

“I made you breakfast in bed!” Cindy repeated, placing a towering plate of pancakes upon her boyfriend’s stomach, “eat up before they get cold, honeymuffin,”

Grey happily obliged; slurping up the top pancake with vigour, relishing the mix of butter, maple syrup and chocolate sauce that it had been doused in, a happy little smile upon his face. Soon enough he had licked the plate clean, eyes closing as he settled back into the bed, Cindy immediately busying herself massaging his chubby tummy.

“Mrnnrr… love you…” he whispered to her ear between his pleasured mumbles, “What’s the occasion, anyway?”

“Oh, nothing really,” she muttered back, rubbing hooves moving from his squishy midriff to his chest as she sat up, “I just wanted something comfy to snuggle into today,”

Gently her lips pressed to his, their tongues meeting in a slow waltz inside the mouth of the other, each moaning softly to the other as Cindy’s hooves cupped around his head and leashed Grey’s collar securely to the frame of the bed.

Slowly she pulled away, looking deep into the eyes of her lover, “I love you…” she sang softly, caressing his cheek for a moment before forcing her head into his maw.

Grey squarked awkwardly. Eyes widened as Cindy’s head filled out his cheeks, her hooves pushing against him and the bed in a determined effort to force herself further inside. His dear sweet girlfriend’s bright red body standing over him, her collar to his lips, her grunts echoing from within his skull.

He tried to hold her still, but her squirms and struggles continued unrelenting. His efforts ceased almost immediately as her head filled his throat – a gasp and a moan – and Grey flopped back into the beddings as she pushed in further. Her nose nuzzled into his inner neck, as warm and comforting as it had ever been from the outside. He relinquished her, her efforts redoubling as almost immediately.

In the space of a few minutes her forehooves had passed his lips. He just laid there, eyes barely focused with a persistent moaning rumbling from his throat. The raw, unhindered sensations were simply debilitating. He wanted her, he wanted all of her.

And she wanted him, she wanted to fill him right up. Cindy spared no expense in her quest, her hooves continued to push herself in deeper, her brow dripping with the sweat of exertion and the saliva of her love. Every few moments she nuzzled or licked or kissed where she had reached, a trick she knew made the experience all the more enjoyable. Purring lustfully as she pushed her way past his collar and down his throat.

Her head broke through into the stomach. Dark, damp, and homely, it smelled pleasantly of pancakes. Cindy took a moment’s pleasured murrbling to nuzzle into the perimeter of the gut before pushing herself forwards in a little further.

Grey’s jaw ached. He’d only just noticed now, broken from the nearly hypnotic flood to the senses by a dull ache around his stretched mouth. It was a moment more before it struck him just how stretched it was, engulfing much of Cindy’s chubby barrel; it was an interesting sight to see his body at such an extreme. He smiled broadly, as broad as his crammed maw could muster, and licked at his delicious girlfriend’s belly.

Cindy squeaked quite audibly, a gentle shiver running down her back as she felt a tongue slither along her front. She heard a giggle from outside. Grinning deviously, she planted her tongue on the inside of his stomach and gave it a long, slow lick. The response was instantaneous – a long, slow moan of gradually increasing intensity filled her ears. Perfect.

He grunted softly, looking down at the two legs sticking out from his maw through dazed eyes. He wanted her so much. Wanted her inside him so so much.

Slowly he raised his hooves and cupped them behind her cute little flanks, and with a slow but constant pressure he pushed. He pushed her deeper, licking every morsel of flesh and fur along the way, barely suppressing a moan as he felt his stomach stretch to accommodate her. Her fetlocks, her horseshoes, her hooves. Gone.

He panted softly, head flopped back against the pillows, looking down at the squirming, grey dome that rose up before him. His sweetheart turned breakfast, curled up inside it – happy, warm and safe.

Slowly he turned to his side and wrapped his hooves and wings around his middle, embracing the love that he carried so close to his heart. Oh so softly he nuzzled into the soft flesh, and she nuzzled back.