CGBH Stories

The Extreme Obesity Unit: Epilogue


The Extreme Obesity Unit: Epilogue

It had been about ten months now since Nell and Kim had moved into their aircraft hangar home.

They had exploded in weight. Their mutual encouragement of one another’s gluttony had, in that time, pushed them to experiment with even larger meals and more densely calorie-laden concoctions.

Their team wasn’t even sure how huge they were at this point. Their sheer size was close to straining the space and resources they had established less than a year ago, and it had become increasingly impractical to separate or weigh either one of them.

This breakneck growth wasn’t without consequences. Both of them were becoming increasingly buried within their own bodies.

Nell’s sausage fingers were barely visible, her thick arm fat having subsumed her wrists and partially buried her hands. Her arms themselves were too heavy to move with even the smallest degree of intent.

Her feet had met a similar fate. They had been swallowed up by cascading rolls of thigh meat until only the suggestion of them remained.

From ground level, her large ears, brown hair and emerald eyes were the only parts of her head still visible above her waterfall of chins and between beachball-sized cheeks.

Kim had fared even worse. Her once-diminutive equine frame had been almost entirely engulfed by fat. Even her cutie mark had struggled to remain clear: an avalanche of rolls and folds stretched and squashed it, unrecognisably distorting the image.

Her horseshoes were totally buried under bulging leg lard, their concentric rings of fat the only guide to their location. Her head and wings remained the most recognisable parts of her—or, at best, the least affected by her reckless indulgence—each was still so overloaded with blubber that they were more like bloated parodies of their former shapes.

Their spirits were as high as ever. Despite their increasingly massive cheeks and duplicating chins stunting their sight, voice and head movements, they continued to watch movies, chat and sing together between meals. The persistent warmth and softness of each other’s bodies bulging against one another bringing comfort, reminding them of the unique circumstances and good company they shared.

Their notability had grown along with their weight.

Their impromptu parade through the centre of town on moving day hadn’t gone unnoticed, and it was only a few days before a local journalist had managed to track them down and was knocking on the hangar doors requesting an interview.

They obliged, though Nell ended up fielding most of the questions. She was more used to the attention, after all.

The publication of that interview spurred a flurry of media appearances over the subsequent days. Other local news picked up the story too, penning their own variants of “Local girls TOO OBESE for housing move into converted AIRCRAFT HANGAR” to garner their much-needed clicks.

Local attention snowballed into regional attention. Radio hosts called them up to conduct interviews live on the air. Nell and Kim’s team scrambled to find time for them all, noting to avoid placing them soon after meal times after one broadcast consisted mostly of the sounds of the girls belching, too gassy to actually answer most of what was being asked of them.

Despite this setback, the national affiliate of the station wanted them on tomorrow’s morning show. It was a 9:40am slot—late enough that most people with jobs wouldn’t actually see it—but it would be the first time that either of them would be appearing on live, national television!

There was a buzz in the hangar beforehand. The team fluffed up their flattened beddings to look more comfortable, rearranging the posters and shelves of CDs, movies and trinkets to sit behind the two blobs so that there would be some visual interest for the cameras.

Breakfast on that day started extra early, their attempt to ensure the unrestrained succession of belches that followed it would be largely finished by the time they went live.

The crew arrived well ahead of time, using it to position their equipment, refine their lighting and film the B-roll that would lead into their segment. For Kim and Nell, the live programme was put up on their projector wall so that they could see themselves almost live when their segment came up.

The stream was muted as the time drew close, on the instructions of the production team, so they didn’t get to hear the presenter’s discussion or what audio had made it into the final edit.

It started with old photos. Kim when she was just a filly, slim, lithe, yet to experience the joys of food that wasn’t hay-based. A young Nell also appeared, very obese for her age, but not yet the immobile, bed-bound mass that Kim had always known her as. The photos transitioned into some of that morning’s B-roll footage, juxtaposing their once relatively small sizes against their extraordinary hyper-obesity now.

They were treated to silent clips of themselves chatting, the latter stages of their breakfast this morning, and—somewhat inevitably—the pair of them belching thunderously before the screen faded to the live feed from their hangar.

“Gosh we’re massive…” Kim said in awe, her eyes fixed on the screen.

The cameras had been set up on the ground, forcing them to look up at them. In every clip their bodies were looming over the camera, they dominated the space in the warehouse and on the screen alike. It was an angle Kim had never gotten to see before and it really drove home that she had become so much more massive than the average person, better than their semi-frequent weigh-ins ever could.

She immediately became flustered at the realisation that this was her. This was how the entire world saw her. She loved this so much.

The rest of the broadcast progressed quite well. Nell and her silver tongue led proceedings once again, explaining the experiences that had led them here, their comfort in being so huge, and the desire to feel right in their bodies regardless of what size or shape that took.

Kim was occasionally prompted for input but she could only stumble over her words. She was enamoured by the sight of herself on the screen, barely able to pull herself away.

She was a great, grey whale in an ocean of minnows.

After the segment was over and the team had departed, Kim confided as to the source of her distraction. The new perspective provided to her had redoubled her love of being huge. She wanted to get bigger, faster. To eat the most fattening foods they could source and to eat as much of it as often as circumstances would allow.

She was no longer content with just being the fattest pegasus; she wanted to be the fattest anything on the planet! She wanted to cast even the largest of creatures under her shadow, to make the most massive whales envy her size!

Nell chuckled, joked that it was Kim’s destiny to be a planet-sized mega-blob, and heartily agreed to the plan.

Mainstream media interest tailed off following the morning show. The story about two hyper-obese gals living together, promising to get even fatter, and accidentally parading through town whilst moving house had seemingly run its course.

In its place, a different kind of media started to take notice.

Journalists from obscure magazines with names like Freakish or Bizarre Times would come to snap photographs and ask a few questions. Some YouTube documentarians came and recorded pieces with them, variably discussing their lives, their biology, or the logistics of how they were cared for.

A Twitch streamer even came to perform a mukbang with them, though he was unprepared for how quickly and willingly they devoured his entire buffet. The stream ended up being rather short.

Meanwhile, their weights began to surge as their revised diet plan took hold.

Kim’s next appointment to the Extreme Obesity Unit saw her pushing past 6,500 kilograms. She would ultimately never visit again, having assuredly grown too wide for their corridors and too heavy for their equipment by the time of her next checkup. The doctor made a house call instead, estimating her to be closer to 7,200 now, but she couldn’t be sure.

With that, Nell declared that Kim had surpassed the realms of extreme obesity. No, they were now outrageously, unreasonably, extraordinarily obese! The pair riffed on what an Outrageously, Unreasonably, Extraordinarily Obese Unit would even look like or work.

Despite breaking one unofficial weight goal, attention from all quarters of the media had reached a lull. Kim welcomed the break. No more weird shake-ups to routine or visitors to indulge the whims of—she could just focus on spending time with Nell, watching their shows, and maximising how much fattening food she could eat in a day. She had a destiny to fulfil.

Freed from distractions, the pair’s weight started to climb dramatically once more.

The hangar became a bustle of activity again as engineers worked to modify the airframe crane that was part of the hangar roof. With visits to the Extreme Obesity Unit no longer possible, the team needed a new way to weigh them, and the crane should—at least for now—be able to bear their weight.

It was only after Nell had been prepared to be lifted that a surprise was sprung on them both: they were being weighed to verify if either of them qualified as the fattest individual in the world. A rather official-looking adjudicator had shown up with a clipboard and everything.

It took some time to weigh them both. Although they only needed to be lifted a couple of inches from the ground, flabby rolls would inevitably spill over back to the floor, invalidating any potential record. The most frustrating part was being unable to eat during the experience, lest it unbalance the crane or give one of them an unfair advantage.

Finally, they took and verified their measurements. Nell was weighed at 9,864 kilograms, just ahead of Kim’s 9,803.

Nell received the world record, but Kim was still beaming. She had never been so close to Nell’s weight before, her desire to rapidly gain as much as possible was working!

The weighing was concluded, as with many occasions, with a hefty meal. Kim joked that Nell might have a fight on her hands for their next weigh in. Nell smiled and said she looked forward to it.

Media attention picked up again after the world record was published. Nell and Kim once again did the rounds of local news, tabloid papers, radio programmes, daytime television, weird magazines and whoever else was willing to pay their appearance fees.

Most only wanted to ask some questions and take some photographs, but there was one interesting request to do a game show. From Japan.

No one on the team had heard of it before, nor had Kim or Nell, but they offered something few others did: food.

They wanted a short recording from the pair introducing themselves. They would then be asked to eat as much as they could, for as long as they could. The show’s contestants would be shown the first clip and asked to guess how much food they thought the girls would eat. Then they would be shown the second part and the answer revealed.

They would be paid their usual appearance fee, and the production would cover the cost of anything they ate during the course of the task.

This was a very tempting offer. Nell and Kim both knew they could put a huge amount of food away if they put their minds to it. But if they were sneaky and skipped a couple of meals before doing the recording… well, they could probably gorge themselves tirelessly for hours, for free!

The offer was accepted, signed and delivered. As it was only intended to be a small segment of a larger show, the production didn’t send over any crew or equipment. It would just be the regular crew, the two girls, and as much calorie-dense, belch-inducing goop as they could handle.

The morning of the recording was filled with grumbles. Two immense stomachs, unused to not having been fed a legion’s worth of meals before midday, made their complaints loudly known. They whined, but they knew it was for a good reason. It took a few attempts just to record the introductory segment, their thundering stomachs doing their best to interrupt them.

But the meal, the meal was a delight. Just like the live interviews they had conducted before, the team projected a live feed from their camera up onto the wall. The feeding masks went on, and for the next several hours they got to watch themselves gulp, swallow and gorge non-stop.

The familiar feeling of being contentedly full started to wash over Kim. Normally she would stop around this point, but not today. No, she was putting on a show, a show that had agreed to pay for anything and everything she ate until she stopped.

So she didn’t stop.

Her body had visibly ballooned outwards as her stomach just kept filling, folds shifting and smoothing out as her gut lost some of its softness—pushing against Nell’s with a turgid stiffness.

Kim started to feel ill. For the first time ever, she might actually be at her limit. She took one last, thick gulp, and stopped.

Nell cheered softly. Kim hadn’t even noticed that Nell had stopped. Nell said she had stopped some time ago.

Kim tried to wobble but it didn’t propagate. She was stretched fuller than she had ever been before. It just didn’t want to move.

And then they belched. Again, and again, and again. Each one blasted like a foghorn for 30 to 40 seconds at a time. They couldn’t help themselves, the engineered food goop they had just eaten rapidly digested itself, their bodies billowed outwards with wave after wave of fresh fat, their stretched guts moulded back into cascades of folds and rolls. The only byproduct was a bunch of gases that had to be expelled somehow.

Watching it all happen on the camera feed was a sight to behold. Kim had only ever really seen this process from her own perspective; to see it from someone else’s was kind of exhilarating—the great big dome of grey, fuzzy fat just kept surging forward, crawling closer and closer to the camera lens with each passing second.

The great, grey whale was getting so, so much fatter.

In the background, the team had been keeping track of how much was flowing through the hoses. Principally this was so that the game show could determine who had guessed the closest, but it also allowed them to see how much each of the girls had managed to eat.

Nell had eaten the weight equivalent of 1,034 kilograms. Kim had eaten 1,192 kilograms. Together they had consumed over 2.2 tonnes of food in a single six-hour binge session.

They managed only a brief congratulatory message and an idle wobble before they were struck down by the subsequent food coma.

That day proved to be an educational experience. Now they knew just how much food each of them could actually eat, and with it came a marked increase in how much they wanted to be fed going forward. If a tonne per meal was possible with a little bit of fasting beforehand, why not change to doing that?

The suggestion was teasingly made that they should repeat the experiment in future: to give them the chance to test themselves periodically as they continued to grow in size and hunger.

The tease was strong enough to become a reality, both of them being provided with the same bottomless all-you-can-eat buffet for Nell’s birthday a few months later.

In retrospect, it was easy to see how they had become so gargantuan in such a short time. They weren’t even a year into their joint project and surpassing 20,000 kilograms each seemed like it would be inevitable before the end of the first twelve months.

Still, as they lay there pressed against one another, growing into increasingly incapable temples to overindulgence, there was no other place either of them would rather be—and no one else they would rather be there with.