CGBH Stories

The Extreme Obesity Unit


The Extreme Obesity Unit

A long time ago, people lived simple, agrarian lives. They hunted, they gathered, they ate, slept and mated. As time went on and agriculture developed, more people came together into communities. Now only some people had to hunt, gather or grow food. The rest could invent and create and explore. As time continued to march onwards, industry developed. Now very few people needed to reap the fields and feed the nation. Food became plentiful, commodified, and fast; and it took the modern person so little effort to acquire so much of it. It was a far cry from the days of the hunters and gatherers.

Come the turn of the millennium a spectre had begun haunting the world. The obesity epidemic. Food, in such quantity and variety, acquired cheaply, had allowed great swathes of the developed world’s population to overindulge. The world was getting fatter.

The city faced many of the same problems as the rest of the nation. General public health was taking a downturn and an increasing percentage of the citizens were being classed as overweight or obese. This city, however, had a more unique issue. Some citizens—not many, a mere percentage of a percentage—were gaining a lot. Not a few dozen pounds, not even a few hundred, but thousands. It was common for those afflicted to be immobilised by their teens without medical intervention, ending up trapped, swaddled by their own bodies.

No one had yet identified how or why this phenomenon affected only this geographic area, nor how it seemed to have only appeared a few decades before. The reality was that it was happening, however, and that authorities had been forced to respond.

The city was therefore home to the world’s first—and so far only—Extreme Obesity Unit, a clinic dedicated to providing healthcare for and producing research on these local behemoths, fully equipped to handle patients of up to four metres wide and nine tonnes in weight.

Kim had arrived that day the same way all the clinic’s other patients did—via the truck loading dock that served as an entrance. Weighing in at a (last measured) 1022 kilograms, she had only recently reached the clinic’s minimum weight requirement. She lay beached upon the reinforced, extra-wide bariatric bed they had prepared for her, just looking around at all the shiny things in the empty ward. It’d been ages since she last left home, it was all rather exciting.

Grey was less amused. For Kim’s twin brother-slash-carer transporting her fat ass anywhere at all was a logistical nightmare. The only reason he’d brought her here today was to get the necessary tests so that she could qualify for the financial subsidies the city provided to its most pillowy of citizens.

He was currently slumped against a regular-sized plastic chair. “Jeez, I’m paying for the truck by the hour here. How much longer is this gonna take?”

“I don’t care!” Kim intoned, “Look at that! What do you think it does?”

“I still don’t know what you’re looking at, Kim,”

There was the muffled bump of a door opening and a recently familiar voice saying words to the effect of “one moment” and “sorry for the wait”. Kim sing-songed a “thank you!” back at them. Grey didn’t bother to look up.

It was a few more minutes before the door opened again, this time accompanied by the squeak of wheels and the whirring of machinery. Kim audibly squeaked. Grey looked up.

Being wheeled out of the examination room was… someone huge. A cream-coloured, fuzzy mountain of belly rising more than a metre above and yet still managing to overflow the sides of the unit’s generously sized beds. In a rare spectacle, Kim was speechless. She had never seen anyone who came close to her weight, and this person was almost twice her size in stomach alone!

It quickly became evident that the whirring sound was because the bed’s motors were struggling to push such a weight, the nurse directing it having to commit a bit more muscle than he otherwise might have. Still, they gradually negotiated the bed into an empty space on the ward a couple of positions down, and the twins finally got a good view of the occupant.

A fennec, judging by the pale brown fur and prominent ears. A young woman, by the prominent breasts that had been tactfully covered by a (rather strained) grey shirt. Every aspect of her body was heavy with flab that either framed or engulfed every limb; and all of them were dwarfed by her immense gut, which was rising and falling with her deep, strained breaths.

The nurse came over to the waiting twins, informing them it would again be a few more minutes for them to reset the examination room before he vanished out the doors again.

There was a brief pause, the ward silent except for this one patient’s stunted breathing before Kim shattered the quiet.

“Holy crap you’re huuuuuuge!” she shouted across the room.

“Kim!” Grey hissed at her.

The fennec stirred a bit, her cheek flab folding over itself as her head slowly angled itself to face towards them. “Hey, err… thanks, I guess? I try!” She smiled softly. “Doctors always said I shouldn’t lose weight because of my condition. They didn’t say I couldn’t gain any!”

“You got that big on purpose?” Grey responded, a hint of shock in his voice.

“You got that big on purpose!?” Kim shouted over him, her voice filled with awe.

“KIM!” Grey hissed again, louder this time.

Kim ignored him. “My brother barely lets me eat anything,” she complained, “He wants me to be a bony little birdhorse like he is,”

Grey flashed her his most frustrated look. “More than half of my salary is going into your mouth! That’s the only reason we’re even here today!”

“The way I think of it…” the fennec interrupted, “Well… if I can never lose weight ever, I might as well embrace and enjoy the weight that I have. Love myself as I am, y’know?”

Kim smiled and nodded enthusiastically, her cheeks and chins wobbling as she did. She directed her gaze coercively towards Grey, who was muttering something quietly to himself.

“If I may?” The nurse had re-appeared whilst they were talking. He was motioning to the controls of Kim’s bed. Grey simply nodded, and the nurse started to slowly push Kim towards the examination room with Grey following.

“What’s your name?” Kim asked as she started moving, the fennec quickly falling out of view.

“Nell! Nell Thompson!” came the response.

“I’m Kim!”

And with that, their meeting was over.

The examination had gone just fine. It consisted of all sorts of poking and prodding, which was unpleasant, but they had managed to measure Kim’s weight for the first time in a little while; she was now up to 1047 kilograms, easily qualifying for the subsidies that her brother was so desperate for.

A report with further information was to come their way a little later, but for now Grey was just happy to be getting money. He didn’t even complain when she devoured her way through a week of dinners and accidentally belched right as he was standing in front of her.

Truth be told, she had eaten as much as she thought she could get away with on purpose. The hospital visit, the fennec, the idea of getting fatter on purpose… it was speaking to her.

As much as her brother chastised her about it constantly, she’d never hated her weight. It may be stunting her ability to move, but it was also warm and soft and comforting—like being swaddled by dozens of pillows and blankets and plushies at all hours of the day. It was… really nice, actually.

She just had to know more.

A few shouts for Grey’s attention later and her laptop was perched in front of her. Luckily for her, a lifetime of having hooves had made her pretty adept at using voice and dictation controls, so her size didn’t prevent her from opening up a web browser and searching for ‘Nell Thompson’.

It turned out that Nell was a bit of a known character. Her extreme obesity and body-positive attitude had been written about a few times in magazines and local news, to varying levels of positivity. Her name even appeared in the synopses of a couple of medical journals, though Kim couldn’t access them and the words involved didn’t make much sense to her anyway.

One thing stood out in all of them though: Nell had been big for a long time. Some of the articles dated back nearly a decade to when Nell apparently wasn’t even a teenager yet; even back then, she was weighing two to three times more than her peers and was already struggling with mobility.

Near the bottom of the search results page was a link to Socialbook. She got the computer to click it. A big banner of some brightly-coloured cartoon bears filled the top half of the screen. Below that was a circular photo of Nell, her smiling face and big fennec ears taking up the top quarter of the circle—her overflowing cheek and chin fat taking up (and slightly overflowing) the remaining three-quarters.

More to the point, she was currently online. Kim hastily opened a message window and dictated a message.

xKimmySparklesx: Hi! It’s Kim from the obesity unit earlier! 💖

There was nothing for a few moments before a “…” typing indicator popped up. It was another minute before a response popped up.

BigFennecGal: hey! ^^ how are yoiu?? how was yuor chekc uop?

Huh, Nell must still be using a keyboard somehow.

xKimmySparklesx: It was good. It was my first time. They weighed me at 1,047 kilograms. How about you?

BigFennecGal: 3172
BigFennecGal: 3272*

Kim’s eyes widened.

xKimmySparklesx: OMG that’s awesome!

BigFennecGal: ive beeen goin gsince it friist opeened and had sowe. chekcups before then to
BigFennecGal: cani call its hard to ttyhpe ^^;

xKimmySparklesx: Sure.

A loud ringing sound started playing as Nell’s profile picture expanded to fill the centre of the screen. Upon answering it merged into an almost identical view of Nell’s actual face, her cheeks and chins filling an even greater portion of Kim’s screen than before.

“Hiiiiiiiiiii!” Nell’s voice sang out, the camera shaking as she spoke.

“Hi!” Kim smiled back. She could see herself—a small preview of her own camera had appeared in the bottom corner. She was fat, sure, but nothing close to Nell’s size.

“Sorry about this, it’s reaaaaally hard to type when you’re this big, y’know? Even with this split keyboard thingy my carers got for me.”

“It’s alright. It’s not like I’ve ever been able to type either!” Kim tried unsuccessfully to lift a hoof into view.

Nell flushed in embarrassment, “Oh, sorry! I forgot you were a pony!”

“A pegasus!” Kim corrected, “Not that I can fly anymore. I don’t think I’ve even managed a trot in a couple of years…”

“Oh! I’ve been immobile for nearly ten years!” Nell chimed.

“Ten years?!” Kim’s mouth was agape. If the articles she read earlier were right, that means Nell had been immobile since before she was even a teenager.

“Yeah!” Nell continued, “I put on loooooads of weight when I was a kid. Like, my tummy was touching the ground almost. It was around then we found out about my condition and that it’d be dangerous if I ever lost weight, so I’ve just kept on getting fatter since then!”

“Oh, you said something earlier about getting fatter on purpose?”

“Yeah, I mean, if I can’t lose weight I haveto gain it eventually, right? Why wait? Besides, being fat is warm and comfy and…”

“…really nice.” They both said at the same time.

It was her turn to flush red. “I really like being fat and I think I want to get fatter but I can’t tell my brother that! He’ll kill me!”

“He wooooooon’t,” Nell laughed, “But you should get fatter if you really want to! It’s your body to do whatever you want with, after all. No one can stop you from doing what you want with your own body.”

Nell’s face smiled reassuringly from within its flabby framing. Kim hummed for a moment.

“Grey wouldn’t let me though, he complains enough about how much I eat already,”

“It might take a while, but he can’t stop you from eating more if you just keep on doing it every mealtime!”

Kim hummed again, unconvinced of this plan. Detecting uncertainty, Nell spoke up. “Do you wanna come and visit? We can hang out and talk about this s’more!”

“But Grey wouldn’t—”

“A portion of your extreme obesity funding is specifically allocated to your transportation and entertainment needs,” Nell interrupted, “He has no reason to say no,”

“Then I’d love to hang out! If he lets me,”

An unseen voice said something from the other side of the call. Nell nodded (well, wobbled) at whoever it was.

“It’s time for me to eat now but let’s try for Thursday! Turn up whenever you can and I’ll be here. Not like I’m going anywhere!”

“Alright. Thursday!” Kim affirmed.

Nell was about to say something else but was interrupted by a hand putting a clear mask over her muzzle, affixing in place some sort of hose that protruded from her mouth to offscreen. Another unseen hand seemed to pick up the laptop she was using and closed it, automatically cutting Nell off from the call just as a loud whirring sound started.

The small thumbnail of Kim’s webcam now expanded to fill the screen, her own face staring back at her, chubby cheeks and sagging chins still fitting neatly within the confines of the camera.

She would be changing that…

The countdown to Thursday could not go fast enough. One of Nell’s carers followed up their call with specific times that Nell would be ready for visitors and an address to travel to. Kim’s begging did little to sway Grey to the plan, the stallion only capitulating when the same carer drew attention that it was Kim—not him—who had the final say on the use of her extreme obesity subsidies.

This information came in devilishly useful. Each meal became a gorging session, the pegasus mare spending every penny she could on every meal, not stopping until either the cash ran out or her bloated stomach complained of overfullness. It was her money after all, and she would get fatter, no matter Grey’s protests.

By the time Thursday rolled around, Kim was basically vibrating with excitement. She would have been bouncing off the walls were she capable of the momentum needed to do so.

Grey was, naturally, disgruntled by the effort involved in craning her out of bed and outside onto the waiting flatbed truck. He may not be paying for it with his own money anymore, but it was still a pain in the ass to deal with when she could’ve just spent the money on a bigger telly or something.

Things on the other end were, thankfully, smoother. Despite their casual accommodations in a modest suburban house, Nell’s team of carers were swift and professional at loading the obese birdhorse onto a wheeled platform with a crane arm attached to it. Grey gladly waved her goodbye—happy to pawn her off on someone else for a while—and took his leave as she entered through the wide, sliding doors.

Kim looked around in amazement as she was wheeled through the corridors. The house’s fixtures and fittings bore more resemblance to the Extreme Obesity Unit than any home she had ever been in. Everything was clean and sanitised. Brief glances into the rooms branching off from the corridor revealed kitchens, machine rooms, offices, and scant living accommodations. Everything here was built to handle a much larger gal and keep her healthy and satisfied, it seemed.

The mood changed very rapidly as they finally entered Nell’s room. It was modest, not dramatically larger than Kim’s own, but it was warmly lit, every wall plastered with shelves of DVDs, video tapes, CDs, video games, and other memorabilia.

Nell lay at the centre of it all, perched upon a pile of mattresses and beddings that her gut and thighs still easily overflowed. Maybe it was the absence of a bariatric bed, but Nell looked even more humongous and blobby than Kim remembered. To one side of her various medical machinery was ticking away quietly, on the other, a fresh spread of beddings had been piled up.

“Hiiiiiiii!” Nell smiled widely, what could be loosely defined as a wave emanating from her arm.

“Hey Nell,” Kim smiled back. She made a weird noise as she felt herself rising up, the carers slowly hoisting her off the platform. “How’re you doing?”

“Absolutely flab-ulous now you’re here!” Nell laughed.

Kim couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well I’m certainly feeling fat-tatic being here!”

Her japes were cut short as Kim felt the side of her gut press against something. Something… warm? We’re these beddings heated? But she was still being lowered down…

It took a moment to realise that it was Nell. She was pressing against Nell. Her face started to flush red.

Nell giggled. “My bed isn’t quite big enough for both of us to see the TV, but it’s close enough. You don’t mind, do you?”

Kim flushed further red. “No— no, it’s nice…”

The carers finished setting her down, withdrawing themselves and the wheeled platform from the room. For now, it was just the two of them.

“I’ve… never been this close to someone so huge…” Kim muttered.

“It’s nice, isn’t it? So much warmth, so much softness. It’s someone else’s fat, sure, but it makes your own feel so much nicer too.” Nell grinned. “Just another reason I love to gain weight. It makes me feel better, but it makes other people feel better too!”

“It’s amaaaazing!” Kim squealed.

“It’ll be even better when you’ve gotten fatter!”

They pressed against one another, revelling in the other’s squishiness and warmth. It was blissful.

Someone poked their head into the room, which Nell briefly looked at and acknowledged. The same person returned moments later pushing a trolley loaded with snacks, a couple of others following them into the room.

“One moment,” Nell said.

Grinning and grunting softly, Nell forcefully shifted her mass by a fraction of an inch. That tiny movement rippled outwards, growing exponentially, sending waves through her massive body and onwards into Kim, their flabby bodies jiggling rhythmically in unison with one another for several moments before gradually dissipating.

Kim looked perplexed. “What was tha*aAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRP!” Her face shot red again.

Nell laughed. “Exa*aAARRUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP-tly! It makes you belch. Great way to free up some room in that tummy of yours!”

“Huh… I have so much to learn…”

One of the carers turned on the large television mounted high up on the wall opposite, the studio logos of some unknown film starting to play.

“Hopefully you can eat while you do.” Nell chuckled.

Kim was confused for a moment until one of Nell’s carers pressed a thick slice of red velvet cake to her lips. Nell was already audibly eating. Seeing no reason to hesitate, Kim gladly let the cake in. It hit her tongue like a lightning bolt. It was so moist, so flavourful, so sweet. It was the best cake she’d ever tasted, of any kind.

She had barely begun to appreciate it before another slice was pressed to her lips. This one was consumed much more rapidly.

Kim appreciated that the subtitles were turned on. There wasn’t much she was able to hear over the pair’s ravenous snacking.

The next 112 minutes were a blur. The film itself cast far into the background as Kim’s body was assaulted by food. One trolley would be emptied, only to be replaced with another. Buckets of soda that put a cinema large to shame were emptied into her after every few ‘courses’. She barely had the opportunity to speak, her mouth always offered something new to eat or drink, and all of it was delectable.

If this is what constituted a snack to someone like Nell, then… wow. This was the life.

Kim’s ears only perked as the credits began to roll. Wait… she knew this song.

“Mynoothithone!” She shouted through a mouthful of pastry.

Nell looked at her, confused.

Kim chewed and swallowed quickly. “I know this one!”

She started bouncing softly to the beat. Preparing herself for the moment the chorus kicked in. Taking a deep breath, and…


Nell perked up quickly, gulping down her own mouthful of food in time to duet the following lines.


“I didn’t know you listened to BopGurlz!” Nell screamed excitedly as the refrain started up.

“Of course I do!” Kim screamed back. “They’re my favourite band!”

“Oh my goshness I have all of their albums. I know what we’re doing the rest of the day!”

Without so much as a look, one of Nell’s carers was already pulling CDs down from the shelves.

The rest of the day was filled with their impromptu karaoke session. A dozen jewel cases of the poppiest, boppiest and best music were queued up and sang through in the loudest voices the two immobile gals could muster. Their snacking didn’t even stop, it just compelled them to shove as much into their muzzles as they could manage during the instrumental sections, the following lines usually muffled by food and drizzled with sprays of crumbs.

Unfortunately, the fat ladies singing foretold the end. They were mid-track when Grey entered the room, ears folded down to offer some protection from their racket.

“Kim! KIM!” He shouted with little success. He signalled the person tending the CD player, who nervously stopped the music.

Kim’s voice continued: “WE’RE GONNA TURN THIS ONE U-UURRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP~! Ooh, sorry. Little gassy…” She noticed Grey standing across the room. “Oh hey, Grey!”

“Time to go home,” Grey said.

Kim’s ears dropped. “Aww, can’t I stay a bit longer?”

“Nope. Only got the flatbed for the hour, and as much as I doubt either of us would mind, you can’t stay here forever.”

Kim whimpered.

“Hey, it’s alright,” Nell said, her tone as soft as the rest of her. “We’ll see each other again soon. And we can talk online still! Drop me a message when you’re home, yeah?” She wobbled herself a little, Kim’s blubber shaking in unison.

“Fi-UURP! Fiiiine.” Kim mumbled, smiling softly back.

Slowly, Nell’s aides lifted Kim from the beddings. The patch of her stomach that had spent the last several hours pressed against Nell suddenly exposed to the harsh, cold conditioned air. It felt like sadness.

“See you later, I guess…” Kim mumbled as she was wheeled out of the room.

“Speak soon, pegawhale!” Nell shouted, gleefully.

“Nell the Swell!” Kim shouted back.


“Five-chinned fox!”

If there was a response, Kim didn’t hear it. Returned to the wide corridors of the building, the only sound that stood out now was a vaguely familiar whirring.

Kim thanked the team for their hospitality as she was loaded back onto the rough deck of the flatbed, sadness piercing her chest. Or was that… no, actually that was feeling full. Incredibly full. She hadn’t noticed how full she was, despite spending the last several hours eating virtually nonstop, the entertainment and companionship had totally obscured the feelings of fullness.

She let out a deep, reverberating belch, thankfully managing to relieve some of the pressure she was now incredibly cognisant of.

That fennec had so much to teach…

Kim tried to keep as still as she could, a task that she found a little difficult when her gut was hungrily grumbling away beneath her. Today was her first real checkup at the Extreme Obesity Unit and—much to her chagrin—that meant having to skip breakfast. A full stomach would interfere too much with their measurements.

After seemingly minutes of frustration from the nurse, Kim finally remained steady enough for a consistent measurement: “1,359 kilograms.” The nurse read out. “That’s up 312 kilos more than your last weigh-in, Ms Birdhorse.”

She had gained over 300 kilos in the past six weeks. Kim squeed, so happy she was virtually bouncing in her blubber-swaddled body.

Grey just rolled his eyes and pulled the nurse aside. “Ain’t this unit supposed to be helping folks lose weight? How come my sister’s bigger than ever?!”

“Well, yes and no,” the nurse responded, “We ensure that patients are healthy and cared for. We can assist them in losing weight if that’s what they want, but to be honest, sir, it doesn’t seem like your sister is particularly upset by this news.”

They both looked over to Kim, her smile so wide that her massive cheeks had dimpled, her eyes practically glowing with excitement.

“Look,” Grey muttered, “I just can’t keep looking after this landwhale. Yes, she’s family, no, I can’t leave our parents to deal with… this… but we have hooves, man! I have a job! I can’t continue spending half my waking hours awkwardly trying to shovel food in her face to the detriment of everything else! I just can’t!”

The nurse nodded in understanding. He crossed the room to grab something, returning with a folded pamphlet. “Your subsidies will be increased to reflect her updated weight record. If you need more assistance, you can claim additional grants to pay for dedicated care staff. Everything you need to know is in this leaflet.”

Grey hrrrmed to himself before taking the leaflet and tucking it under a wing. The nurse smiled and went to prepare Kim’s bed to go back to the ward.

A surprise was waiting for them there.

“Nelly the Elephant!” Kim screamed as she was wheeled through into the room.

“Pegablimp!” A voice shouted back from behind a wall of cream-coloured fat.

“Oh god…” Grey mumbled, immediately excusing himself from the room.

Nell’s face only finally came into view when the nurse moved Kim’s bed alongside hers.

“One moment whilst we reset, Nell.” The nurse said before returning to the examination room.

It was the first time they’d seen one another since the visit. They had tried to keep in touch online, but their respective difficulties using technology, frequent breaks for food, and subsequent food comas after food had made conversation infrequent and disjointed. It was nice to be together in person again.

“You’ve been gaining, I can tell.” Nell grinned. “You’ve grown a new chin since last time!”

Kim blushed a little. “My bed at home is starting to feel a little cramped, too…”

“How much have you gained?” Nell asked, leadingly.

“Over 300 kilos!” Kim beamed, her eyes lighting up once more.

“Oh wow! That’s amazing! That’s faster than I was gaining when I was at your weight! Holy cow!”

“Really?!” Kim shouted, jiggling heavily as her now largely-immobilised hooves made some attempt at celebratory movement.

“Yeah!” Nell shouted back. “Keep it up and you’ll be a big, blobbiful birdhorse in no time at all! Well… even bigger and more blobbiful than you already are, of course.”

Kim smiled. “I have aauuUUURRRRRP!— an excellent role model!”

“Hey, it was you who did all the work! You’rethe one who gained all that weight and because as humongous as you are, and you’ll be the one to get even more enormous too!”

“Pfft, fine,” Kim guaffawed, “I have an excellent… inspiration? Gaining companion? Teacher?”

“Friend?” Nell offered.

“Friend. Yeah, that works. You’re an excellent friend, Nell. The biggest and the best!”

“Biggest for now. I won’t be for long, at the rate you’re gaining!” Nell winked.

Kim blushed warmly. “You’re just so huge and soft, but you’re happy and cared for and loved, and… well, I love my brother, but he’s hardly encouraging of all this.”

“Aww, Kim!” Nell started saying before letting out a loud yip, her body shaking suddenly as the motor of the bariatric bed kicked in and jolted a few inches. The nurse shouted an apology from somewhere behind Nell’s prodigious bulk. Kim hadn’t even seen him come in. With familiar slowness, Nell’s bed started to navigate slowly towards the examination room.

“Keep your chins held high!” Nell called just as Kim disappeared from her sight line. “Keep eating, despite what Grey says! I’ll call you later! Byeeeeeee!”

And just like that, Kim was alone. Alone, but emboldened. Her mentor-slash-friend obviously knew best here. After all, she was gaining so fast! Faster than Nell! Maybe being an immense, immobile pony was her destiny? She was definitely better at it than anything else she’d tried to succeed at. She giggled at the thought. Grey would be furious.

As promised, Nell called that night and affirmed Kim’s thoughts. The mare was happy and comfortable, there was no reason to slow down or stop gaining if she didn’t want to, especially with the momentum she was building up. Kim should live for herself and her own happiness.

Half-embarrassed, Kim admitted that becoming humongously fat felt like something she was destined to do, a feeling Nell both adored and immediately latched on to. She dropped a particularly appealing invitation.

“You should totally come to stay with me for a bit! Like, so you know what to expect when you reach your ‘pre-destined’ amount of hugeness.” She winked.

“You mean like a sleepover?” Kim asked. She hadn’t been on a sleepover ever since she was a little filly. “I’d love to!”

They chatted about details for a few minutes longer until, predictably, the call was cut short by Nell’s scheduled mealtime. As Kim’s webcam expanded to fill the void, she took a moment to appreciate her ballooning cheeks and freshly grown chins, which were now brushing against the edge of the frame. They were beautiful.

“Heh, sorry, it’s gotten a lot more cramped since you were last here,” Nell said as the crane slowly lowered the pegasus into place next to her.

She wasn’t wrong. Half of Kim’s gut was already pressing against Nell, her other side brushing against the near wall as she was lowered into place. As the crane slowly set Kim down, her weight settled and sloshed outwards, firmly wedging her in-between Nell and the wall.

The two of them were together again at last. Cramped, warm, but comfortable.

“Wonder why that is?” Kim teased, softly, “They’re gonna have to move you into a larger tank, ya big beluga.” She pushed herself to wobble a little, sending ripples through Nell’s immense gut.

“Keep gaining at your rate, and—BWAAAAAARRRRP—you’ll need your own ocean, pegawhale.” Nell smiled, shooting a few jiggles back.

“Not before you n—BWUUUUUUUURRRRRRP—need your own continent!”

“Yeah, well, maybe it’s your destiny to become the size of a planet?” Nell chuckled.

Kim blushed hot red, suddenly flustered by the thought. That wouldn’t really be possible… right?

She was knocked back to her senses by a fresh round of heavy, sloshing wobbles being pushed into her by Nell, eliciting both of them to loudly BWWWUUAAARRRRRPRPPPPP in unison. They laughed together and made futile efforts to hug, doing little but making one another jiggle and belch even more.

The head of one of Nell’s carers poked in through the door, to whom Nell gave a silent, approving nod. The head disappeared again.

“Are you ready for the first meal of your ‘day in the life’ experience?” Nell asked pointedly.

“Of course!”

“Alright, if you say so!”

Nell kept smiling knowingly as a bunch of carts were wheeled into the room and next to each of them. Kim was confused. These weren’t carts loaded with food, like last time. These ones had bulky machines on them, each with cables and piping dangling from them like spaghetti. Each one had a single larger hose trailing from it, leading out of the room and out of sight.

Kim suddenly twigged what this was. She had seen it before, at the very end of those calls with Nell.

“This might feel weird at first, but just breathe and swallow as normal and you should be fine.”

Nell was already fitted with her cannula, a clear mask in the process of being affixed over her muzzle and attached to some of the pipes emanating from the machinery. Another carer was holding the same equipment, looking at Kim expectantly.

“If you say so…” Kim smiled weakly, suddenly not so sure about this. Still, she nodded to the carer, who swiftly fitted a cannula to Kim’s nostrils, covering it and her muzzle with a plastic mask that she now noticed protruded directly past her lips, forcing her mouth to stay open.

It all felt… confining. Invasive. The bands holding it on were unpleasantly tight, and her chubby chins and cheeks pressed uncomfortably against the edges of the mask. Still, Nell did this all the time, it couldn’t be that bad.

With a gentle thrum, the machinery whirred to life. Cool air brushed against the inside of her nostrils, whilst down the pipe, a viscous, pink-hued liquid started to flow quickly towards her. It flooded her maw, her cheeks bulging outwards as it was pumped into them. She hesitated for a second but the flow wasn’t abating, it seemed she had little choice but to gulp it down, so she did.

And that set the tone for the rest of the meal. Every two to three seconds her maw would fill up again, and she would swallow again. Unable to speak, she would occasionally share a look with Nell, who would simply smile and wobble her titanic gut. Otherwise, entertainment was provided by the same television as last time: movie playing and subtitles on, so they could tell what was being said over the droning of machinery.

The liquid was nondescript. Thick, but not overly so; Sweet, but not particularly so. She figured that if you were going to eat something for so long it needed to either be available in lots of flavours or in none at all, otherwise you’d just get bored after a while.

After a while, Kim started to just faze out. The rhythmic gulping, the hum and whirr of pumps, the slowly increasing warmth of the atmosphere around her, the comfort of being pressed against someone else so huge and soft. It was all so wonderfully relaxing…

Suddenly, the flow of food ceased. She gulped down nothing a few times before even realising it had stopped. The credits to an entirely different film were playing.

“Gruuhhh..?” Kim mumbled as the mask was removed from her snout. “Is it over already?”

“It’s been three hours.” Nell chuckled. “You dozed off after, like, 20 minutes!”

The birdhorse groaned groggily. “But I’m so sleepy…”

“Food coma. You’ve got a lot to digest. I would let you nap, but, well… you don’t wanna miss out on this next bit, big gal.” Nell gave Kim’s stuffed gut a gentle wobble, the slow jiggling seeming to awaken a rising force inside of her.

Her lethargy now making way for alertness, Kim only had a moment to recognise the sensation before—


From her mouth erupted the longest, thickest, spittle-iest belch she had ever heard. Simultaneously, her body started surging outwards at incredible speeds, her bountiful blubber literally swelling before her eyes: one inch, two inches, three… she felt herself pressing ever more closely into Nell, ever harder against the walls, ever wider upon the floor and the paddings they had provided for her.

Nell’s own thunderous belch joined in the chorus. The fennec’s body swelled outwards like a filling water balloon too, fresh rolls of fat bulging and pushing against Kim’s own.

The storm receded soon after, both parties having to pause for breath after maintaining such sustained outbursts.

“What… was that…?” Kim eventually managed to ask, still huffing between words.

“A little… treat… of sorts.” The fennec answered. She fell silent for a few moments more until she had caught her breath again.

“It’s a, I guess, ‘feature’ of what we ate. Basically, instead of our bodies digesting food slowly over several hours, it kinda just… digests itself, all at once? It puts less strain on us and… well, I think it’s fun! Especially when I have someone to share it with.”

Kim’s confusion cracked into an ecstatic grin. “Oh wow! No wonder you put on weight so quickly! You’re not even using calories to digest stuff!”

“And yet a certain gluttonous pig-asus is still gaining way faster than I ever did at her size~” Nell teased pointedly.

“I have no idea who you might be referring to, blobgal~” Kim sing-songed in return.

“Blobgals!” Nell corrected. “You’re kinda totally immense too!”

“Not as totally immense as you!” Kim rebuked.

“Not yet!” Nell fired back. “Though I’d totally bet on you being the bigger blobgal really, really soon.”

The birdhorse blushed. “Maybe if Grey ever lets me eat like you do…”

As if to punctuate the point, a group of helpers started rolling in trolleys of snacks, one of them preparing the elevated screen with another movie from Nell’s vast collection.

“You got room, blobgal?” Nell teased softly, sending another wobble to elicit a belch from the beached birdhorse.

“Yeah, I could eat.” Kim smiled.

The rest of the visit passed too quickly.

That evening saw them push through another couple of movies, each one audibly muffled by the sounds of being hand-fed popcorn, nachos, and myriad other movie snacks; all of it concluding with a duet of a particularly poppy final credits tune.

As the room darkened with the setting sun, the staff moved from focusing on food to preparing the pair for the night. There were no blankets or duvets involved—they were their own heavily-weighted duvets, after all—but the climate control was made a touch warmer and a fresh batch of medical equipment was pulled into the room.

True to the promise of this being an all-encompassing visit, Kim was hooked up to duplicates of all the same monitors that Nell was. “It’s just a precaution, really,” Nell explained. “Because there’s no one here with us to make sure we’re okay overnight.”

A CPAP mask was stretched over their cheeks, though even this had been modified to incorporate a narrow feeding tube “in case of hunger pangs.”

They chatted and teased into the night. At one point they even attempted to hug one another, wobbling and squashing through strained breaths, medical monitors complaining all the while. They were simply too overwhelmingly obese for that kind of exertion, and that excited them.

Breakfast was pretty much the same affair as dinner was the night before, a result of needing to standardise and purchase in bulk. Apparently even Nell’s resources were limited to some degree.

Grey arrived mid-morning to pick Kim up.

“Bloody hell, how much did you eat?!” was the first thing he said upon seeing her. Kim beamed gleefully in response. She wasn’t just bigger, she was noticeably bigger.

Still, Kim’s mood was a morose one. It’d probably be another several weeks—if not months—before they would meet in person again. All that time, just herself, her bedroom and her berating brother for company. It was a far cry from the day of fun, friendship and feasting she had just enjoyed.

There was plenty of time to linger on the thought too. The moving team were having a much harder time squeezing the crane arm’s sling between their smooshed-together bellies and around Kim’s ponderous gut now that each of them was so much larger.

“Mr Grey?” Nell piped up at one point during the commotion.

“What is it?” He responded impatiently.

“Could Kim… live here, maybe?”

Kim’s ears perked up, surprised by the mere thought. She hadn’t even considered it.

“What? No, of course not!” Grey rebuked. “She needs to be at home, with her family, where we at least try to keep this under control!” He roughly jabbed a hoof into Kim’s wall of gut, forcing it to wobble heavily. Kim impulsively belched in response.

Nell kept her cool. “It’ll be fairly easy if you let my staff claim the Extreme Obesity Subsidy on your behalf. We can make sure she’s fed, cared for and kept as healthy as could be. And you wouldn’t have to look after her all the time! You could be as involved as you want in Kim’s care, or not at all. Just… please consider it?”

Grey’s eyes flickered over to Kim. Her eyes set to her most desperate and pleading, nodding enthusiastically, the ripples through her body so many that they had to stop trying to move her, lest she unbalance the crane arm.

“Oh jeez, fine! Fine!” Grey shouted. “Stop lifting her, just… leave it. Who the hell do I gotta talk to?”

One of Nell’s helpers tapped him on the shoulder and led him to an office somewhere else in the building. The team handling the crane arm undid what little they had achieved, letting Kim settle back comfortably against Nell’s side.

“Oh my goshness…” Kim whispered. “Pinch me. Did that just happen?”

“I can be very persuasive,” Nell chuckled. “Not that you needed persuading to become such a biggy piggy pegasus. You just needed a friend.”

Kim blushed, silently hefting her weight against Nell. Both of their bodies shook violently before they let loose a room-quaking belch together. A few DVD cases even fell off the shelves.

“Sorry,” Kim said after they were done, “I think you—we might need to find a bigger place, now.”

Nell and Kim sat on the back of a flatbed truck. It crawled down the road slowly, the truck creaking and groaning under their combined bulk. Large, reflective signs reading “OVERSIZE LOAD” covered the front and rear of the vehicle, a small police escort accompanying it in case there was ever any doubt.

It had taken a couple of months, but Nell and Kim were finally moving house.

If the escort failed to draw the attention of a bystander, the two blubbery gals following behind persistently succeeded. The crowds grew thicker as they crept through the centre of town. Phones whisked out with increasing regularity to photograph and video their impromptu parade. Others simply stared, mouths agog at the spectacle.

Nell attempted a wave, only managing to loosely flap a paw.

The journey took a few hours. They were headed to the far outskirts of town, where a suitable ‘home’ had been located and purchased some weeks ago. The time since had been spent fitting the place out with everything they’d need, as well as organising the logistics of getting them there.

After a brief stint crawling down the motorway, they turned off into an industrial area. The huge doors of the old aircraft hangar that would soon be their home cracked open as they approached, just wide enough for the truck and its load to enter, before sliding shut once more.

The inside was cavernous, with high ceilings and almost the entire width of the converted hangar given over to the pair’s new living space. Their belongings had been moved across at the same time, travelling in much faster vans, and had already started to be put up. Spaces on the walls had been covered in posters and photographs, shelving units installed for their extensive collection of movies, and a huge, white rectangle was painted on a far wall, opposite a theatre-grade projector system. In the centre of the room was a familiar pile of dozens of mattresses, pillows and blankets, supplemented by even more of the same.

A few small, prefabricated rooms had been built against the back wall—space for their combined staff to take breaks and store equipment. The air was cool and dry, perfectly climate controlled for their massive bodies.

“How—“ Kim barely got out before she answered her own question. Looking up, a ceiling-fitted gantry crane, probably one used to build and maintain the aircraft that formerly sat here. It should lift them easily.

The team set to work unloading them onto their beddings. Despite all the space available, they made one thing clear: they wanted to be next to each other, just like in the old place. They were positioned as requested, side by side, their titanic thighs and overflowing guts smooshed warmly against one another.

“So, this is it,” said Kim, looking around what little of the space she could see from her vantage point.

Nell chuckled. “Home,” she said. “One with plenty of room for us to grow.”

She gave herself a vigorous shake, coaxing a thunderous belch and delighted laughter out of both of them.

“Speaking of which,” Kim continued, “We haven’t eaten for like, three hours. I’m hungry!”

Nell grinned, their ever-attentive staff were already preparing their feeding masks. “Wanna see how fast we can outgrow this one, blobgal?”

Kim smiled back. “Always, blobgal.”

Kim hummed to herself quietly, her useless hooves wiggling along to the tune in her head.

For the first time in six months, she was back at the Extreme Obesity Unit, laid out to wait in the ward on one of their wide bariatric beds.

It was just another periodic checkup, but so much had happened since the last time she had been here. She had moved in with Nell, started to utterly balloon in size with her encouragement and pointedly fattening feeding regime, they had moved to an even larger space together, and continued to glut themselves completely. The media had even started taking a renewed interest after their moving parade was plastered across social media.

Still, the experience now was a profoundly lonely one. Grey no longer accompanied her now he had no obligation to. The few staff who had brought here in today were absent too; taking advantage of Kim being someone else’s responsibility for a while to grab an al fresco luncheon.

Appointments with Nell now had to be staggered too, the costs and difficulties of moving them both at the same time just too much to justify for a simple checkup.

Two nurses appeared shortly afterwards, taking a moment to confirm her identity and details before starting to move her. The motors of the reinforced bed squealed loudly as they struggled under her, not even moving an inch until both nurses got involved and started to push.

Kim couldn’t help but beam. The beds hadn’t had any trouble moving her the last time she was here. Even the short corridor to the examination room, once easily spacious enough to fit her, was now feeling much more claustrophobic. She was getting too fat even for the Extreme Obesity Unit to handle, and the thought of having her immense gains properly measured and catalogued made her spine tingle.

The checkup commenced just as it had in the past. Blood pressure was OK. Blood–oxygen was OK. Heart rate was elevated, but that was to be expected at her size. The usual, boring stuff.

Finally, after much poking and prodding, they reached the moment she had been desperate to hear: weight.

“You weigh 4,752 kilograms,” the nurse announced.

“That’s…” He paused for a moment, evidently double-checking his arithmetic. “That’s 3,393 kilograms more than your last weigh-in.”

Kim squeed loudly. That was huge! That wasn’t just heavier than Nell when they first met, in six months she had gained as much as Nell’s entire body weight! No wonder the beds were struggling to carry her now.

“I feel like I should warn you against such rapid, uncontrolled weight gain,” the nurse continued, “but I have to admit, I’m impressed. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

Kim nodded eagerly, her massive jowls jiggling with the moment. “Okay? I feel amazing! I love just being so huge and heavy.”

The nurse smiled. “Well, your tests didn’t flag anything we need to be concerned about at the moment, so I’ll take your word for it. Please do have someone call if there are any concerns, though,” he lowered his voice a little, “We don’t want you inadvertently losing any weight, after all.”

Kim was a little taken aback by the nurse’s attitude. It was unexpected, but it was nice to know that even he was on side with her gaining. “Th— thank you?” She could only muster.

“Anyway,” his voice returned to normal, “Your subsidies will be increased to reflect your updated weight record. It should be quite a substantial amount more given how much you’ve gained!”

He tried to brandish upon her the mandatory leaflet but, lacking any paws to hand it to nor space on the bed to keep it, he awkwardly lodged it into one of the folds of her chins.

Kim’s head swirled with thoughts of that number as they returned her to the ward. 4,752 kilograms. 4,752 kilograms. That was what? About the weight of a large truck? An elephant? A literal whale? She was so huge, and yet she still felt like she was only getting started. She was only a few months into her new life, after all. Why in another six months she—

“Holy crap you’re huuuuuuge!” A shrill voice rang from across the ward.

“Nic!” Another unseen voice hissed.

Kim shuffled, trying to see the source of the commotion. Just down the ward, barely visible past her supersized cheeks, was a furry grey lump, betrayed by how poorly his clothes fit him. A raccoon, it looked like.

Kim just chuckled. “Thanks! I try. I just really, really love being so big, you know?”

The raccoon hummed appreciatively. “I know! I just… You’re so huge! I hope I can get as massive as you some day!”

Kim smiled proudly. “I’m sure you will, Nic. I’m sure you will.”